EverGuard TPO Roof Systems

Reliable Insulation for Modern Roofs
Even though building codes and methods keep changing, GAF’s EnergyGuard™ Polyiso insulation (including the NH variety) offers consistent quality and performance. This broad range of products meets the needs of today’s flat roofing projects.
What’s the difference?
Both types provide excellent insulation to save on energy bills. However, EnergyGuard™ NH Polyiso uses an innovative, eco-friendly formula that skips harmful flame retardants. This aligns with GAF’s commitment to sustainable building practices, helping architects, contractors, and building owners achieve their environmental goals.
Key Features:
Environmental Benefits:
The white surface reflects heat, lowering cooling costs in summer. Our proprietary thermal barrier traps heat in winter, reducing heating needs. This translates to lower energy bills and a more comfortable building year-round
EverGuard TPO offers up to a 30-year warranty that represents a 50% increase over torch-on and other TPO and KEE PVC solutions. A longer roof lifecycle provides lower overall environmental impact over the lifetime of the building, and reduces dumping waste of old roof products each time the roof is replaced.
EnergyGuard™ NH Polyiso offers a variety of sustainable options, including paper and glass facings. GAF pioneered Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for this insulation and offers the first non-halogenated high-density polyiso board. All NH Polyiso products are available nationwide for eco-conscious building.