EverGuard TPO Roof Systems

The EverGuard roof recovery system for 2-layer torch-on roofs has been designed to deliver a lasting solution offering up to a 30-year warranty when using GAF EverGuard Extreme TPO.

This system allows for minimal disruption to the existing building during installation, while reusing the existing substrate to keep costs down with the old torch-on membrane encapsulated by the new TPO system, providing a smooth modern finish to the roof surface.

Additionally, roof insulation can be added to achieve greater thermal performance and may include tapered insulation for added fall if required.

Key Features:

  • Suitability, For use over torch-on, butyl rubber and EPDM systems, plywood and concrete substrates and can be mechanically fixed over
    KEE PVC and coating systems offering an excellent low-pitch roof solution.

  • Cost Effective, Reuses the existing structural metal substrate and typically does not require shrink wrap for weather protection during roof installation
  • Durability, Offering up to 30-years warranty with EverGuard Extreme TPO factory backed by North Americas largest roofing manufacturer.

  • Less Disruption, As the existing metal roof remains intact during installation, in most cases the building can maintain tenanted operations throughout the installation process

  • Cooler Roof, EverGuard TPO reflects solar energy, reducing unwanted radiant heat into the building and reduces air conditioning costs

  • Warm Roof Insulation, Provides increased thermal resistance with options to add additional roof insulation as a warm roof solution

  • Flame-Free, Gas torches use with torch-on membranes, provide a substantial risk of fire to existing buildings and tenants. EverGuard TPO has a 100% flame free installation with the use of digital welding equipment

Environmental Benefits:

EverGuard TPO offers up to a 30-year warranty that represents a 50% increase over torch-on and other TPO and KEE PVC solutions. A longer roof lifecycle provides lower overall environmental impact over the lifetime of the building, and reduces dumping waste of old roof products each time the roof is replaced.

EverGuard TPO is designed to reflect solar energy and greatly reduces unwanted heat radiating through the roof which in turn reduces the energy consumption of air conditioning systems

EverGuard TPO does not contaminate water and can be used with potable rainwater collection systems.